

1988年获四川大学学士;1996年获University of Miami 博士学位;1997-1999年,University of Miami 和Genentech Inc. 博士后;2003-2016年,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所, 研究员;2016年,best365网页版登录官网生命科学院副院长、生命科学研究中心副主任、教授(二级)。





  1. Zhu, D., Gong, X., Miao, L., Fang, J. Zhang, J *. (2017) Efficient Induction of Syncytiotrophoblast Layer II Cells from Trophoblast Stem Cells by Canonical Wnt Signaling Activation. Stem Cell Reports. 9(6):2034-2049.

  2. Miao L, Yuan Y, Cheng F, Fang J, Zhou F, Ma W, Jiang Y, Huang X, Wang Y,Shan L, Chen D, Zhang J*. (2017) Translation repression by maternal RNA binding protein Zar1 is essential for early oogenesis in zebrafish. Development 144(1):128-138.

  3. Cheng F, Miao L, Wu Q, Gong X, Xiong J*Zhang J*. (2016) Vinculin b deficiency causes epicardial hyperplasia and coronary vessel disorganization in zebrafish. Development.  143(19):3522-3531.

  4. Fang J, Wang H, Miao L, Kuang X, Ma W, Wang C, Zhang J*, Xia G*. (2016) Involvement of Protein Acyltransferase ZDHHC3 in Maintaining Oocyte Meiotic Arrest in Xenopus laevis. Biol Reprod. 95(3):67.     

  5. Ma WR, Zhang J*. (2015) Jag1b is essential for patterning inner ear sensory cristae by regulating anterior morphogenetic tissue separation and preventing posterior cell death. Development. 142(4):763-73.     

  6. Su W, Fang J, Cheng F, Liu C, Zhou F, Zhang J*. (2013) RNF2/Ring1b negatively regulates p53 expression in selective cancer cell types to promote tumor development. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110(5):1720-5. 

  7. Liu C, Ma W, Su W, Zhang J*. (2012) Prdm14 acts upstream of islet2 transcription to regulate axon growth of primary motoneurons in zebrafish. Development. 139(24):4591-600.    

  8. Wang HW, Fang JS, Kuang X, Miao LY, Wang C, Xia GL, King ML, Zhang J*.(2012) Activity of long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase is required for maintaining meiotic arrest in Xenopus laevis. Biol. Reprod. 87(3):74. 

  9. Xu S, Cheng F, Liang J, Wu W, Zhang J*.(2012) Maternal xNorrin, a Canonical Wnt Signaling Agonist and TGF-b Antagonist, Controls Early Neuroectoderm Specification in Xenopus. PLOS Biol. 10(3): e1001286. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001286.    

  10. Zhang L, Zheng S, Wu H, Wu Y, Liu S, Fan M, Zhang J*. (2009) Identification of BLyS (B lymphocyte stimulator)...

